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The 8-week hybrid fertility coaching program for busy women ready to cut to the BS and get pregnant without restriction, fear, or pressure.

Fertile as F*ck Academy

It's time to fast track your fertility with

Fertile as F*ck™️Academy

Join the waitlist!

 Be the first in line when doors open again Early 2025 and get exclusive access to waitlister bonuses 

You’ve read all the books and blogs, followed all the fertility experts, peed on all the sticks, and devoted countless hours to late night research trying to sort it all out...

This is the step-by-step  fertility plan you've been searching for

I'm Whitney, your new
fertility bestie and
tell-it-like-it-is expert. 

I’m here to give you the structure and ease you've been craving with a proven 5-Pillar Fertility plan you can follow with ease.
But it's just not clicking  

You’re following all the fertility experts giving you ALL the tips and somehow you’re more confused than ever. Should I cut out gluten? Will skipping out on my morning coffee do the trick? What are fertile signs?


Somehow you feel worse after you met with your doctor - you expected in-depth testing and support and all you got was a prescription and follow-up in 3 months.


You’re already spiraling with the “what ifs” - you’ve heard horror stories from other women about their own heartbreaking fertility stories and it scares the sh*t out of you. 


You’re scheduling sex but should it be every day? Every other day? Your app says you’re in your fertile window but how do you really know?


You're ready to get pregnant NOW but your body isn't on board (yet) so you're stuck trying to navigate it all on your own

Nobody told you getting pregnant was
this f*cking complicated

Oh hey, did I just describe you? Then you're in the right place!

Now Isn't The Time To Wing It

(Instead There's A Better Way)

Enjoy peace of mind knowing you're doing everything you can to naturally support your ability to get and stay pregnant

Now imagine how it would feel...

To work with your body instead of hating it - you're in healthy hormonal flow and it shows in your consistent, pain-free cycles each month. You know your BFP is just a matter of time.



Armed with the foundational fertility knowledge and custom holistic plan inside this program 

Confidently advocate for yourself in the doctors office - instead of feeling like this is all happening to you, you're leading the charge with a supportive team of professionals


Be able to enjoy your life WHILE trying to conceive - with the guesswork gone you're free to suck the marrow out of your last few months sans baby.


Look and feel more energized than you did 5 years ago - your health is at an all time high and your energy levels are through the roof


Are you ready?

As a kickass human, you’ve ‘aced’ most things in your life - your education, career,’ve checked every box.

After just a few cycles of trying, that initial baby-fever has dialed down into a whole lotta baby-doubt: hormones, mucus, cycle tracking...huh? How is something so “simple & natural” so overwhelming? Could my body be...broken?

You’re at the stage when you know it’s time to quit wasting endless hours piecing together confusing fertility advice on Google and instead get schooled by a fertility expert on pregnancy-boosting foods, supplements, movement, and beyond. This is the go-to place to learn everything you need to know to give that BIG FAT POSITIVE your best shot with confidence and a whole lotta fun!

You’re learning how to track key indicators and use your daily, monthly, and yearly reports to get an accurate, insightful reading on your fertility and pinpoint precise areas to focus on

Let’s See Those Report Cards

Week ONE

Here's the proven pathway:


No, seriously. I know relaxing doesn’t feel productive, but this module is all about key mindset shifts to get your BFP without pulling out your hair. 

“Where your mind goes, your blood flows.”
– Wim Hof

Let’s chill

Week Two

Nutrition is a huge part of your fertility, but don’t fret – we’re not subsisting on mountains of kale and the occasional almond. The 5-step Fertile Plate Method is balanced, easy to follow, and makes every meal you eat fertile as f*ck

Let’s Eat

Week three

We go over A LOT of material in the first 3 weeks so this is your time to catch up and actually do the things we've been talking about!

Let’s Implement

Week four

Your body needs targeted nutrition and support if you’re gonna grow a whole human in there! Supplements help long before you actually conceive, and you’re getting a step-by-step plan to choose the best supplements for your fertility needs, and stop throwing cash at supplements that aren’t for you

Let’s Supplement

Week five

When it comes to exercise and the female hormone cycle, we need to throw what we've been taught right out the damn window and rewrite the rules. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to use movement to help you feel stronger, more rested, and ready to conceive.

Let’s move

Week Six

There is some nasty shit in a lot of common, daily household products and cleaners that can seriously mess with your hormones. I’m helping you “low-tox” your life in a realistic way, without burning it all down or losing your mind.

Let’s Low-tox

Week seven

It's time to catch up on those final videos, finish filling out your Fertile as F*ck workbook and put your brand spanking new plan into action!

Let’s Implement & Wrap up

Week eight

Enroll today and get your hot little hands on these bonus trainings!

Fertile as F*ck isn't like the other girls...

Step one in the Fertile as F*ck system is to dig into what's really going on with your body. I’ll teach you how to read your body, interpret cycle charts, and advocate for yourself to get the in-depth fertility lab work you need. 

Once we've unraveled the secrets beneath the surface, it's time to lay down a five-pillar fertility plan based on your results. Picture this: a blueprint of food, movement, mindset, environment, and supplements custom-fit for your body's desires.

The point of this program IS NOT to implement every single fertility-focused food and habit out there. You’ll drive yourself crazy with that nonsense.

Our focus is lasered in on figuring exactly what your body needs and tailoring your diet and lifestyle plan around it to save you time, money, and giant headache.

Before we begin changing a single thing we’re going to start by taking a look at Y-O-U


"If you're on the fence, know that you have nothing to lose and only tons of knowledge and confidence to gain! You will learn evidence based information that is truly hard to find in one concise and verified website or blog."


ttc after loss

"I truly feel like I am caring for, rather than fighting with, myself. It has been so much easier for me to make choices that serve my body when I'm doing it for a functional reasons instead of aesthetic ones."


TTC with Ovulation dysfunction

Take it from my ladies here!:

I’m Whitney, your  fertility guide

I'm board-certified dietitian and holistic fertility expert with 14 years of experience in the health & wellness industry.
I got my start in the clinical setting but after having my own kids I soon realized that women's health was where it's at. So I left my cushy job in weight management to challenge the status quo of the conventional fertility space.
Now I help women like you get off of google, figure out your fertility in a sustainable way that doesn't suck the life out of your life, and blend the conventional and “woo woo” worlds to finally get ‍pregnant!

hey there!

Bonus masterclass trainings
on period health, optimizing male fertility and recovering after loss

Private client portal
where you can access your lessons, calendar, private group chat, and office hours

8 weeks of education with 33 video lessons, corresponding checklists, worksheets, and your Fertile as F*ck Plan

8 weeks of fertility- focused meal plans + bonus recipe books for snacks, desserts, smoothies, and mocktails

Pay-in-full bonus: Private 1:1 session with Whitney to review lab work, temp charts, and map out a truly customized plan for you moving forward

Access into a private group chat
exclusive for FAF students

15% discount on provider-grade supplements

Access to the ever growing FAF Masterclass Library
filled with trainings from some of the leading professionals in the fertility space 

Biweekly office hours calls (4 total) with Whitney where you can ask your burning questions and get expert guidance in real time

Included inside FAF you'll get...

You're ready to get pregnant NOW - the first few cycles were all fun and games but now you're a year or two into it and ready fast-track this process

This program is for you if...

You're sick of being told everything is "normal" without any real insight- you're ready to take action but you need to know what action to take! 
You're a mid-level hippie when it comes to health - approaching problems from a natural perspective as much as possible but still open to conventional possibilities if it's the right fit 

You want a plan, not a pep talk. Let's cut through the noise and focus on what's really going on in your system and how to support it during your TTC adventure. No overthinking, just a roadmap to your fertility sweet spot

"If you want someone to be in your corner to validate your frustrations and give you tangible advice this program is for you!”

Take it from our FAF grads:

"I kept wondering what was going on with me, she took the time to understand and analyze my blood work and show me exactly what was going on"

— Zehar

Take it from our FAF grads:

"This is one of the best investments you can make in your body, your fertility, and your future."

Take it from our FAF grads:

 " Join this program sooner
rather than later! Doing this work BEFORE trying to conceive has left me feeling more prepared to try naturally with my PCOS diagnosis."

— Nicole

Take it from our FAF grads:

You aren’t open to trying new things. This program is jam-packed with research backed information and tips specifically designed to support fertility, but it only works if you’re open to it.

You are dealing with anovulatory or absent cycles. Restoring fertility may require a more personalized plan and more intense counseling. For more information on 1:1 coaching hit this link.

You have significant food allergies or intolerances. The FAF program provides fertility-focused food guidelines but may not work if you need a more specialized diet like low FODMAP, diabetic, or AIP.

Fertile as F*ck is NOT for you if:

Fertile as F*ck is NOT for you if:

You've been trying to get pregnant for 2 or more years - at this point you don't need MORE fertility information, you need a customized plan with in-depth testing to really get to the bottom of things and my 4-Month 1:1 coaching offer might be a better fit. You can find details here.

Let's get you
Fertile as F*ck

Payment Plan


1 payment of $1597 USD

BONUS: 45-minute 1:1 coaching session with whitney

Exclusive Access to the FAF private party group

8 weeks of Fertility-focused meal plans, snack lists, drink ideas, and dessert inspo

Lifetime access to the 8-week Fertile as F*ck program

Best Value!

what are you waiting for?

Let's stack the fertility odds in your favor this year

15% discount on provider-grade supplements

biweekly office hours with whitney (4 total)

Access to the Masterclass library + bonus trainings

BONUS: 45-minute 1:1 coaching session with whitney

Exclusive Access to the FAF private party group

8 weeks of Fertility-focused meal plans, snack lists, drink ideas, and dessert inspo

Lifetime access to the 8-week Fertile as F*ck program

15% discount on provider-grade supplements

biweekly office hours with whitney (4 total)

Access to the Masterclass library + bonus trainings

3 payments of $533 USD

"Doing the DUTCH test and our one-on-one just confirmed that working with you and having a group of like-minded, strong women was what was missing and we're welcoming our FAF baby early next year!"

— Sara

"I was sick of the doctors telling me I’m broken but not doing the tests to get to the root of it"

While I'm still waiting on the BFP, I've had my healthiest cycle yet and my mood and energy levels are unmatched!

You can read, listen, and watch as much fertility content that's out there (trust me, I know!), but knowing Whitney has already done the hard work for you is worth the peace of mind. 

— Jessica

"I've really cracked the code on regulating my hormones"

"We decided to join FAF to prep for our second round of IVF and it was just the pivot we needed! We are happily expecting our rainbow babe this year."

— Kathryn

"I wish I would have done it years ago...”

Being truly supported for the first time in the process - you know you can always go back to FAF private chat for questions or review the lessons for a refresher at any time

Scrolling right on past social media ads promising quick fixes with ease knowing your diet & supplement routine is rock solid

Living a life outside of getting pregnant. Having a customized fertility plan means you have the freedom to pick up new hobbies, planning date nights, booking vacations, etc.

Building your family starts with building YOUR basics

Feeling connected with your partner on a new level - in and out of the bedroom getting pregnant is a TEAM effort

Saving your time, money & energy with a better chance of getting pregnant naturally or succeeding with medicated cycles/IVF

Knowing when your fertile window opens, how to confirm ovulation, and how to read the strength of your ovulation for red flags

FAF grads know this all to well and experience the ease of...

Unfortunately, no. As much as I want to be the Oprah of the fertility world handing out positive pregnancy tests, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get pregnant.

Research shows that nutrition and lifestyle changes can improve your chances of conception by 40% and what I can guarantee is that the information provided will give you the best shot at prepping your body for a term natural pregnancy and/or enhance success rates with fertility medications and assisted reproductive technology routes.

Study after study has shown that intentional, low stress diet and lifestyle changes can support nearly every aspect of fertility:

  • Calming inflammation
  • Promoting sex hormone production, metabolism, and detoxification
  • Building up nutrient stores to support egg & sperm quality
  • Reducing risk of loss
  • Regulating immune function
  • Managing experience of daily stressors
  • Increasing and maintaining energy level

When we look at the data, there's not one piece of the fertility puzzle that isn't impacted by diet and lifestyle. This makes holistic fertility support a natural first step in the conception process!

For my nerds out there, click here for references

You’ll have access to a private group chat exclusive to FAF students where you can ask questions addressed to the group or Whitney!

We will also hold biweekly office hours (4 total) meetings with Whitney at 12pm EST where you can come to get expert answers to questions that come up throughout the program.

Pay-in-full students receive a bonus 45-minute 1:1 session with Whitney where they will can assess lab work, current diet, temp charts, doctor's notes, etc. and customize your plan further

For technical questions, you can always email

The education modules will be released weekly over the course of 8 weeks and you can watch them as your schedule allows.

You'll have lifetime access to the program modules so you may review material as needed.

For best support throughout this process we recommend following the program as laid out week by week. You can expect to spend 2 hours a week going through the videos and completing the worksheets.

The office hours calls will be the only scheduled in-person event outside of 1:1 calls.

Once you register above, you'll be sent an email with instructions on how to access your client portal through Practice Better.

This is the portal that will house all of your FAF modules, bonus masterclasses, chat communications, calendars, and invoices.

Once you've logged onto your private portal, you can get started with the onboarding modules ASAP!

Our next cohort begins Fall of 2024, click here to join the waitlist

Yes! You can choose to invest upfront or break it down into 3 monthly payments of $532.

(Extended payment plans available to waitlist only)

Yes! Though we are not in network with insurance companies we welcome HSA/FSA payments for the Fertile as F*ck program.

While we support the ethical reasoning behind a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, when we look at the essential nutrients involved in female hormone production and fetal development (vitamin D, zinc, choline, B vitamins, and amino acids), many of the best sources come from animal products.  

For this reason, we have not structured our meal plans to accomodate this eating style. 

With that said, the 5 Step Fertile Plate Formula taught in Week 3 is flexible and accomodating for vegan and vegetarians.


No seriously, the framework you'll learn inside FAF is designed to support you before, during, and after pregnancy so aside from some minor supplement changes (which are laid out for you in the supplement lesson) everything else stays the same!

Remember, the thing that help get you pregnant help keep you pregnant!

Absolutely! In a perfect world, every woman would have the Fertile as F*ck framework at least 6 months before they're even thinking of trying.

Hormone shifts and fertility take time so giving yourself a healthy headstart will save you time, money, and SO much stress in the long run

While the education, tips, and tools inside Fertile as F*ck are helpful for everyone trying to conceive, after the first 2 years  you most likely don't need to absorb MORE fertility information.

Instead, what might benefit you the most is a customized plan with in-depth testing to really get to the bottom of things.

My 4-Month 1:1 coaching offer might be a better fit- you can find details here.

I’m vegetarian, will this work for me?

While we support the ethical reasoning behind a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, when we look at the essential nutrients involved in female hormone production and fetal development (vitamin D, zinc, choline, B vitamins, and amino acids), many of the best sources come from animal products.  

For this reason, we have not structured our meal plans to accomodate this eating style. 

With that said, the 5 Step Fertile Plate Formula taught in Week 3 is flexible and accomodating for vegan and vegetarians.

Do you take HSA?

Yes! Though we are not in network with insurance companies we welcome HSA/FSA payments for the Fertile as F*ck program.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! You can choose to invest upfront or break it down into 3 monthly payments of $533.

(Extended payment plans available to waitlist only)

When can I get started on the modules?

Once you register above, you'll be sent an email with instructions on how to access your client portal through Practice Better.

This is the portal that will house all of your FAF modules, bonus masterclasses, chat communications, calendars, and invoices.

Once you've logged onto your private portal, you can get started with the onboarding modules ASAP!

Our next cohort begins Fall of 2024, click here to join the waitlist

My work hours are unpredictable, are there set meeting times?

The education modules will be released weekly over the course of 8 weeks and you can watch them as your schedule allows.

You'll have lifetime access to the program modules so you may review material as needed.

For best support throughout this process we recommend following the program as laid out week by week. You can expect to spend 2 hours a week going through the videos and completing the worksheets.

The office hours calls will be the only scheduled in-person event outside of 1:1 calls.

Will I have access to you if I have questions?

You’ll have access to a private group chat exclusive to FAF students where you can ask questions addressed to the group or Whitney!

We will also hold biweekly office hours (4 total) meetings with Whitney at 12pm EST where you can come to get expert answers to questions that come up throughout the program.

Pay-in-full students receive a bonus 45-minute 1:1 session with Whitney where they will can assess lab work, current diet, temp charts, doctor's notes, etc. and customize your plan further

For technical questions, you can always email

Can nutrition and lifestyle interventions really work to improve fertility

Study after study has shown that intentional, low stress diet and lifestyle changes can support nearly every aspect of fertility:

* Calming inflammation
* Promoting sex hormone production, metabolism, and detoxification
* Building up nutrient stores to support egg & sperm quality
* Reducing risk of loss
* Regulating immune function
* Managing experience of daily stressors
* Increasing and maintaining energy level

When we look at the data, there's not one piece of the fertility puzzle that isn't impacted by diet and lifestyle and this makes holistic fertility support a natural first step in the conception process.

For my nerds out there, click here for references

Can you guarantee I’ll get pregnant?

Unfortunately, no. As much as I want to be the Oprah of the fertility world hanging out positive pregnancy tests, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get pregnant.

Research shows that nutrition and lifestyle changes can improve your chances of conception by 40% and what I can guarantee is that the information provided will give you the best shot at prepping your body for a term natural pregnancy and/or enhance success rates with fertility medications and assisted reproductive technology routes

Frequently Asked Questions:

But trying to conceive can feel a lot like gambling in Vegas- what if you're just one more cycle away from winning big?

No one wants to waste more time, energy, and money on a program they don't need.

But the truth is, fertility is more than those two pink lines. Your fertility is a marker of your over health, how you show up in your life, and how you connect with those around you.

It’s your unique energy to create.

The framework you'll learn inside Fertile as F*ck will help prepare you for pregnancy, support you while you're pregnant, and give you the tools to recover postpartum so that you can go on to grow your family how you see fit.

It's not just an investment in your fertility it's an investment in you future self - because you deserve to create life AND create the life of your dreams.

If you've made it this far, it's a sign that you're ready to take this leap

Ready to end the war with your body?

Fertile as F*ck

Let's get you

enroll today!

© ThE FERTILITY NUT LLC 2022  |  Design by Tonic  |  brand + template customization by jennifer carfora designs


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