Let’s get one thing out of the way – “fertility journey” is an eye-roll inducing term. But there really isn’t a better way to describe it. So we’re rolling with it…
If I could swoop in and save you from one thing in your fertility journey, it would be the burnout.
My clients are neurotic thorough.
If you’re used to crushing your goals, running the show, and being at the top of whatever you do… you’re my people.

It’s this Type A badass boss bitch vibe that shows me you’re ready to take ownership for your choices, do the work, and show up for your fertility the way you show up for everything else in your life. I LOVE IT.
But this energy is also what can lead you straight down the path to burnout. And listen – you’ve got enough on your plate without fighting your way back from total and utter exhaustion and depletion.
Today I’m sharing some signs you may be creeping (or speeding) down that path to burnout so you can notice the warnings and pull back where necessary.
Your Fertility Team is Massive
Don’t get it twisted, there are several important people you need to have on your team if you’re dealing with fertility issues.
But if your lineup includes everyone from an OB/GYN to a naturopath, endocrinologist, acupuncturist, primary care doctor, and a Shaman your friend met in Peru and swears by… it may be time to scale back.
Take inventory of who you are working with and look at the services they provide. Is there overlap? Are you trying to throw money at your fertility struggle without really seeing any results? Be honest with yourself and get serious about cutting back your team where you can.
Your Google History is Never Ending
How many hours a day do you spend researching fertility and alllll the associated treatments, supplements, and purported “cures”? (Honestly, that may be how you stumbled across this post… so no shade!)
There’s a difference between being doing research to be well-informed and obsessively searching out of anxiety, fear, and distress.
If the time you spend Googling “how to get pregnant” is eating into your social life, your downtime, or your sleep – it’s time to scale back. Seriously.
You Never Take a Break
Conception – and everything that goes into it – can easily and quickly overtake your life. And I’m not here to minimize the importance and weight of this subject.
It’s a big f*cking deal.
But you also deserve to take a break.
Schedule a night off or check in on a regular basis to make sure you’re doing things and having conversations that don’t revolve around getting pregnant.
You have a life – and you deserve to enjoy it – even in the midst of hard things.
If you need a break… take it.
Being on a Fertility Journey Doesn’t Mean You’re Broken
The best way to avoid fertility burnout is to remember that you’re a whole person exactly as you are and to make it a non-negotiable priority to nourish your body and mind.
Not once. Not every now and then. YOU are caring for yourself, loving yourself, and giving your mind and body what you need every damn day.
And if you’re like most of my clients who find that a bit daunting and could use some support and accountability and someone else to lift the burden a bit… I see you.
In fact, I created a whole program just for you.
It’s called Fertile as F*ck and it’s full of everything you need to avoid fertility burnout, nourish your body and soul, and make powerful changes to optimize your fertility and embrace a functional approach to fertility.
Not to be dramatic buuuut… it will change your life.

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