DUTCH hormone testing is an easy-to-administer test that’s more comprehensive than blood labs, giving us exactly the information and insights we need to know where to focus when it comes to your fertility!

DUTCH – stands for dried urine test for comprehensive hormones – (delightful, right?) testing gives you the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites.
This is my go-to test for clients looking to save time and get more direction with their fertility plan. If it’s new to you, or you’re trying to decide what testing to invest in, you’ll know exactly why this is my preferred testing method by the end of this post!
No Doctor or Lab Needed
That’s right! Who doesn’t love the chance to skip a jab or doctor’s visit?
DUTCH hormone testing is done entirely at home. Over a 24-hour period, you’ll collect 4-5 urine samples. That’s it!
No needles. No lab visit. No doctor necessary.
Get a comprehensive look at your hormones from the comfort of your own home… and bathroom.
It’s About More than Hormone Levels
A traditional blood lab will show you each of your hormone levels, so you can see if you’re producing too much or too little.
While levels tell us there is a problem, it’s just a snapshot that says “There’s something off here!”
DUTCH hormone testing shows you the level of each hormone AND how your body is processing each one. We can see where specific nutrient deficiencies are affecting you and hone in on specific issues or challenges.
The DUTCH test gives us the what and the why.
DUTCH Hormone Testing Gives Us an Action Plan
The best thing about the DUTCH test is that it shows me exactly how to support you and what changes you need to make to improve your fertility.
With this test, we can create a plan to support you from the ground up!
One of the most frustrating parts of struggling with fertility is that everything happens below the surface. It’s hard to know what is going on and causing you problems.
DUTCH hormone testing gives us the information and direction we need to make significant changes in your health and fertility!
Sounds Awesome… What Now?!
You didn’t think I was gonna educate you on this powerful test and then leave you hanging, did you? That’s not my style.
My signature course – Fertile as F*ck – is perfect for you. Choose the VIP option to get DUTCH hormone testing included and get access to all the education, tools, and strategies you need to make powerful changes based on your results.
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